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07 June 2023 - Bologna

Delivering on REPowerEU: Bringing research & industry closer on biomethane

The unprecedented crisis Europe faces due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has changed dramatically the global energy market and it has led to an energy crisis with huge negative consequences, bringing the European Union to rethink its energy policy and the future energy system. As a response to this new geopolitical situation, just a few weeks after the war started, the European Commission presented REPowerEU, a plan to rapidly reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian fossil fuels. The plan includes a series of important features, including boosting sustainable biomethane production to 35 bcm/year by 2030. In order to meet this gigantic growing demand, European biogas/biomethane producers and other key players along the value chain (e.g. biogas upgrading, biomethane integration within the gas network) will need to incorporate innovative solutions and be continuously supported by R&I.

To address this issue, the SUPEERA project brings together a group of eminent European scientists and leading industry to discuss research-industry cooperation practices and opportunities to accelerate innovation in the biomethane/biogas sector and to explore their replicability potential across Europe. In this endeavour, SUPEERA joins forces with the GreenMeUp project that aims to facilitate the wider uptake of biomethane in countries with slower market development policies.

Expected topics for discussion will be:

1) How can R&I contribute to accelerate biomethane production and unlock the feedstock potential?

2) How to best standardize integration of biomethane in the existing gas network?

3) Which policy framework could facilitate biomethane market development?

4) How to increase social acceptance and environmental impact of biomethane facilities and installations?


  • 09:00 Welcome and greetings
  • 09:15 Keynote presentation: Which role will biomethane play in overcoming Europe’s unprecedented challenges? What are the EU perspective and the R&I policies?

Session 1: Research/Industry collaboration for identifying R&I needs to accelerate biomethane production 

  • 09:35 R&I to accelerate biomethane production through gasification from the industry perspective
  • 09:50 R&I to accelerate biomethane production through upgrading of anaerobic digestion biogas from the industry perspective
  • 10:05 R&I for efficient and cost-effective production of biomethane through thermochemical technologies
  • 10:35 Panel discussion and Q&A for session 1
  • 11:05 Break

Session 2 – Cross-sectorial dialogue to facilitate the biomethane market deployment

  • 11:30 Removing Technical Barriers to Biomethane Standardisation
  • 11:45 Sustainability in technical, economic and environmental terms
  • 12:00 Policy framework to facilitate biomethane market development
  • 12:15 Social acceptance in socio-political and community dimensions
  • 12:30 Panel discussion and Q&A for session 2


Practical information


07 Jun 2023


9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Bologna Congress Center, Piazza della Costituzione 4, 40128


Berta Matas