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22-23 March 2023 - Karlsruhe, Germany

StoRIES at Energy Conversion and Storage Days

The StoRIES project is holding three workshops as part of the “Energy Conversion and Storage Days”, a three-day event with a top-class programme organised by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Karlsruhe from 21 to 23 March 2023.




On 21 March 2023, the SUPEERA workshop "Bringing research and industry closer: ES and PV" will take place. It will aim to facilitate the dialogue between research and industry in the fields of energy storage and solar photovoltaics. It will discuss research-industry cooperation practices and opportunities to accelerate innovation in these technologies/sectors, bringing forward successful implementation examples from Germany, and explore their replication potential towards other regions/countries with similar priorities which would eventually trigger investments in low-carbon technologies.

On 22 March there will be two workshops:

Workshop “Succeeding with Scale-up of Energy Materials” 22 March 2023, 13:30 – 14:45.

The deployment of cost-competitive, highly efficient materials for renewable energy conversion and storage technologies faces enormous challenges. For large-scale commercialization of electrochemical energy devices, manufacturers need to develop low cost materials and fabrication approaches that preserve current levels of performance and stability. In this workshop, we focus on electrochemical materials fabrication processes for hydrogen technologies and electrochemical batteries. We discuss case studies of how integrating AI/ML models and FAIR data intelligence with cost modeling methodologies in the context of an innovation can greatly assist in optimizing efforts and investment on developing new electrochemical materials from design to integration and full scale-up.

Workshop “Energy System Benchmarking for Hybrid Storage: Performance Indicators and Application Areas“ – 22 March 2023, 14:45 – 16:15.

The combination of electrical and thermal energy storage components to hybrid storage shows promise in several applications. Complex interactions between process and storage, however make it difficult to establish simple performance indicators for hybrid storage applications. Preliminary results from the StoRIES project on the development of reference cases and key performance indicators for application-oriented benchmarking of hybrid storage will be presented. The workshop invites for debate on how benchmark systems can will help to accelerate technology development and roadmapping.

On 23 March the StoRIES – FLORES - EERA JP ES workshop on “Application for Hybrid Energy Storage is taking place:

During this workshop, partners from the StoRIES project (EU-funded research infrastructure project on hybrid energy storage systems), the FLORES network (network of around 15 EU-funded projects working on flow battery technology) and the Joint Programme Energy Storage of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA JP ES) will discuss current and future applications for hybrid energy storage with experts from the European Commission, industry, and research.

Practical information


22 Mar 2023 - 23 Mar 2023


Dr. Alexandra Lex-Balducci
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)