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21 March 2023 - Kalrsruhe

Bringing research and industry closer: accelerating innovation and uptake of new technologies. Energy storage & Solar Photovoltaics

EERA through the strategic SUPEERA project supports the implementation of the SET Plan, integrating it at the same time into the broader context of the Clean Energy Transition.

The project foresees several activities to facilitate the innovation and uptake by the industry. One of the adopted approaches has been an analysis of the energy measures in the 27 National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) aiming at reaching Member States’ and EU’s 2030 climate targets. This analysis resulted eventually in the identification of six common pathways (Wind energy, Energy System integration, Bioenergy, Energy storage, Hydrogen and Solar Power).

These common pathways will provide the basis for the recommendations on R&I priorities in support to the Clean Energy Transition goals across Europe and will serve as an input to improve cooperation between research and industry.

Following a series of introductory webinars, and three physical workshops in the Netherlands, Italy and Spain, this workshop will take place in Karlsruhe, Germany and it will discuss research-industry cooperation practices and opportunities to accelerate innovation in the Energy Storage and Solar Photovoltaics technologies/sectors.

The purpose is to bring forward successful German implementation examples of the two selected pathways, and to explore their replication potential towards other regions/countries with similar priorities which would eventually trigger investments in low-carbon technologies. Part of the discussion will be dedicated to the role of the R&I in the EU strategies to respond to the current energy crisis.

Practical information


21 Mar 2023


9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


KIT Campus Nord


Spyridon Pantelis